
Change imovie to mp4
Change imovie to mp4

Mp4 is a more compressed delivery format that is very popular and plays pretty much everywhere with high quality, and would be more convenient for storage, sharing, or internet use. like scientific displays or for large screen, or taking photo screen shots. mov file to the internet or website might be unwieldly due to the large file size, but would be more suitable for finite professional editing or where quality is of paramount importance. The best format to choose depends on your purpose.

change imovie to mp4

mov file is much less compressed, better for professional editing, is higher quality, but yields a 4x larger file size than Mp4. Mp4 is a high quality compressed format that also is highly compatible and editable to a reasonable extent.

change imovie to mp4

IMovie exports to Mp4 at all settings except Best Quality pro res, that yields a.

Change imovie to mp4